Snobs and Bores. Snob noun a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people. Bore noun one that causes weariness and restlessness through lack of interest : one that causes boredom : such as a dull or tiresome person There’s nothing worse than a wine snob unless, it’s a wine bore. The difficulty is, I think I may be one of them. I’m generally pretty happy with a glass of anything made from fermented grapes. It could be a nice cold Wolf Blass Chardonnay costing six quid in Tescos or a poncey Bordeaux Chateau that’s been lovingly stored for a decade just waiting for the perfect moment to be poured. The only thing that matters is that it’s a good drink. My problem ( lies on couch and stares at the ink blot on the wall) is that having spent a quarter of a century buying, selling and making the stuff, I have retained an abnormally large amount of information about booze with the emphasis ...
A view from 2011
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It's interesting to look back at this post from 2011 when Rathfinney Vineyard was planted. Little did I know that by 2018 around 1 million vines were being planted every year! I am used to living two separate lives. One consists of small entreprenurial growers in England and Wales who are on first name terms with each of their vines and make individualistic wines (good and bad) that reflect themselves (invariably good) and their land. That's not to say that the people involved are all retired military types with too much time on their hands - there are plenty of bright people who have just decided that this is the lifestyle for them. My other life is one that pays me money. Dealing with growers and buyers over millions of litres of product destined for retailers here and abroad. Competition is cutthroat and there is no margin for error as the recent enforced sales of the largest wine companies has prove...
Living the dream.
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Living the dream - Ten things that might help you if you are planning to make wine from scratch in England. The Dream. As we followed the big removal truck down our road in the burbs to start our life back in the West Country, one of our neighbours shouted "livin the dream" by way of goodbye . Life was going to be one extended daytime TV property show. The sun would always be shining, all year round lambs would be frolicking in the fields and horny handed sons of toil would be leaning on gates and chewing straw ready for a chat and a glass of cider. Of course, this has absolutely no resemblance to how we were feeling - we were completely arse clenchingly terrified. What sort of practical things would our 1997 selves have liked to have known before we started our big adventure that may have helped us on the way? 1. If you are in possession of a large fortune, welcome to having a small fortune. If you are in possession of a small fortune,...